The Ogieek is a Kalenjin tribe that is little known despite being the aboriginal inhabitant of the planet. indeed the Maasai and Kalenjin believe that all human beings descended from the Ogieek (Iltorobo in Maa.They once ranged the plains of East Africa and Ethiopia where they are called Ogaw or Omotik. They also live in Northern Tanzania and Eastern Uganda. A large number of the Ogieek were assimilated by the Agikuyu and Akamba sometimes in the 1750s. they also introduced the secret knowledge to the Shagishu and Ngembe(or Kikuyu). The Kalenjin age sets passed by the Ogieek to Kikuyu are Maina (Maina), Kororngoro (Irungu
The Ogieek is term encompassing so many sub-units speaking a stylish Kalenjin language. The Ogieek groups i Know and people have no idea about them are; Marishionik (Marishioni Forest near Elburgon),Tyepkwerereek of Njoro, Kapsobuleek of Enabilbil, Kipchornwoneek of Sogoo, Omotik of Entasikira and Loolgorien, Serengeti, Mosoi of Tanzania, Kaplelelach, Lalaroik, Noosubuki
In Tanzania, Manyara province in the districts of Mbulu, Hanang, Singida and Basoto plains, the Kalenjin speaking people include Barabaeek- remembered by Kyuks as Barabiu (Godfrey Miriuki-A History of the Abagikuyu,1500-1900 AD), Datogaeek (from To,Ddo or Ddw of Kalenjin legends),Badyud, Hilbagrangaeek
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