Wednesday, February 19, 2014

clans amongst Sabaot/ Sabiny

  1. Kaapsoti -Asista 
  2. Kamayeek- Sooyet 
  3. Kamusereek -Oron'get  
  4. Sero Bukuno - N'goitunto 
  5. Kapchai- Chebombayeet
  6. Kaapnyiitok - Maketiet 
  7. Kamin'geeny- koon'gony 
  8. Kapnimeek -Soeet 
  9. Kopunjos- Mongeshiet 
  10. Kapnyirireek -Moroorocheet 
  11. Kapsokootik - Cheptirikicheet 
  12. Kapcherop - Ileet Tooyio
Kapnyirireek in Koony but in Sabiny.

Kapsumbata in Sengwer Kapsumai -Moroorochet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the information. I don't see a some clans please or the list I am getting is shot?

Kalenjin naming part 2

SALANIKAP BOISYEKAP KIPSIGIS Marindany —Chii nechome kobor ak koyaga tich Korgoren —Chii nechaang Kiyagiik Loboso —Chii neuei Soin akowee...