Friday, January 10, 2020

Dowry payment among the Kalenjin:-
  1. Teta ne abai (cow under lactation) this signifies procreation to the new family
  2. Eito ne iyumi tuga (Oxen)
  3. Teta nebo riyotet/ne kotot (Cow near to conceive) 
  4. Roriat (Heifer) 
  5. Teta ne iyumi nego/iywoget (mature cow) 
  6. Kwesta/Kipkugeret (he goat for father) 
  7. Kechiriet/Chepkugeret (Sheep for mother) 
  8. Chepngabait/Roriat (token for upkeep especially during childhood) 
  9. Kechiriet nebo arwet (for mother in law so as to allow son in law call her Boger alternatively Goat with lamb for mother in law so as to allow son in law call her Bogine 
  10. Mwaita  
  11. Chepletiot-Normally mature heifer where the son in law will later take back the calf.Normally
    Chepletiot is not commonly paid but in a situation where the husband quarrels with his wife to the point where she goes to her real fathers home and the mistake emenates from the husband the husband was compelled to pay chepletiot. 
  12. Nyoetab kaat(normally if the couple elopes without the consent of their immediate families the husband was supposed to pay a fine of normally five thousand to twenty thousand to is wife father/family)kiome sanian koigeny meaning that the assistance from inlaws is endless.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Different time in a day as per Kalenjin

1. The night -këmöut
2. The dawn -ëgönet
3. The morning twilight -körirönet
4. The sunrise -chorünet
5. The daytime -pëtüt
6. The sunset -chimildöet
7. The evening twilight -lang'atüt
8. The dusk -imenët

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Names of the week among the Kalenjins

1. Sunday : Kotisap
2. Monday :Kotaai
3. Tuesday : Ko oeng 
4. Wednesday : Ko somok 
5. Thursday : Ko ang’wan 
6. Friday : Ko muut
7. Saturday : ko Loo

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Names of animals amongst the kalenjin people

1. Tombisiet- camel
2. Ting'ong'et- crocodile
3. Nyumbut- horse
4. Boinet - gazelle
5. Leitigo- zebra
6. Kimagetiet- hyena
7. Magaita- hippo
9. Cheplanget- leopard
10. Beliot- elephant
11. Ngotiat- wild beast
12. Soet- buffalo
13. Chemengewet- spiny ant eater
14. Cheswereret- porcupine
15. Ngetundo- lion
16. Tisiet - baboon
17. Ng'ororiet- goat
18. Ngechiryet- sheep
19. Cherekweny- hare
20. Ketet- cheeteh
21. Murngetunyit- tiger
22. Kiplekwet - rabbit
23. Toriong - honey becker
24. Moset- monkey
25. Koroitiet - colombus monkey
26. Cheptirkichet - antelope
27. Suiyot- wild dog
28. Lelwot- Jackal
29. Koboet - squirrel
30. Chereret-Vervet  monkey
31. Kipsirichet - rhino
32. Kesengit
33. Mbilisiet
34. Toret - warthog
35. Mengubeito-scorpion
 36. Kimenjerut
37. Masiroret
38. Nderit - hyrax
39. Kipsomberet
40. Songoliet- ostrich
41. Kooteet – ant eater,
42  Impolet - black bushbuck
43. Miindet – Bongo
44. Rogoyueet - Eland
45. Sing’oito– Waterbuck
46. Mogoitit- Black Monkey
47. Toraet –wild pig
48. Tumda– great forest hog

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


1.Ringoi - snake (eren)
2.Siakwei - Bee (Segemia)
3.Kobil - wild pig (toret)
4.Kure - Quail (Taiwa)
5.Saniako - Monkey (Cheree)
6.Kapkuoi/kabon - Moset/kipekeyat (baboon)
7.Sokom - hawk (Chepsirere)
8.Toiyoi - Lightening (Ilat)
9.Tulo - Fox (Lel)
10.Kong'oot - Fire (Maa)
11.Tungo - hyena (kimaget)
12.Soti/chepkeres - Sun (Asista)
13.Teriki/kipngotop/kipkoitin - Elephant (Balio)
14.Talai - Frog (Mororoch)
15.Tarkok - Guniea fowl (terkekekya)
16.Chesibon/kabon - (Family Totem - moset- black baboon)
17.Kipyegen - (Family totem white baboon)
18.Kipkoitin - (family totem Elephant)
19.Kabarsitei - (Family Tortem - Leopard Kobilo)
20.Kipsochon clan(animal is Oloitige/zebra)
.Popular in lembus people,
21.Chepsiror(tortem rat(muriat)
22.Kipboroge - chepkuliet
23.kipseger - monkey(kibiset)
24.Kipsegecha - kongony or kongot(crane)
25.Kipkuykuy/kimoi - kuikuye(crocodile)
26.Mokiy - Arawet(moon)

1.TALAI tortem is in three categories:- namely leopard, lion and frog
2.TARKOK categories takolie (crub), terkekyat (kanga), bang'ang (hornbil)
3.KOBILO categories toret (warthog), sabite (poncupine)
4.CHESIBON categories kamoiben, kapsemelo
5.KIMOI categories, soe (buffalo), kongony (crane), segem (bee)
6.KIBOROGE/TERIKI categories, belio(elephant), chepkulie(small safari ants)
7.KABON categories chesibon, kipyegen, kapkuoi

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Names of fingers starting with the thumb

a) kiptesot- thumb
b) koolindet-
c) siab kwen/siab tamook
d) mesiewa
e) chepkiloot/metengele


1.Olmarich/mogoto- gate although they are not the same.In the main house (kamosop) we have,
2. kurgat/musereita- door. sic~(musereita was made from muserech tree.)
3. inchoor/nchoor- sitting room
4Tootet/suum- bedroom literally
5. itook- bed
6. koima/koitab ma-fireplace
7. kipeelkonyan- space between fireplace and wall.women keep cooking stuff.
8. saanet/saana- place for keeping utensils and it hangs from the root
9 kapsotoon- place for keeping calabashes
10. Taboot/tabuut- ceiling

1. kook-sitting place for men
2. Mabwai- the altar it must be on the eastern side of the main house as it is sacred place.
3 kaapmetet- sitting place for women and in most cases to the western side.women do their stuff there.
4. Piutab tuga/apathetic-cattle enclosure
5. kaapmoen- calves enclosure
6. kaaptich/singiroino- hut for men built inside or adjacent to cattle enclosure for security reasons
7 kapmosoop/mosoop- main house for parents
8 choogo/chooget- granary

Kalenjin naming part 2

SALANIKAP BOISYEKAP KIPSIGIS Marindany —Chii nechome kobor ak koyaga tich Korgoren —Chii nechaang Kiyagiik Loboso —Chii neuei Soin akowee...