Tuesday, January 28, 2014

 who were this people amongst the Kalenjin worriors?

1. kibelbany - feed warriors, they were cowards
2. sogoldaeek - planning invasions(not sure about this)
3. kiboriotinik - fighting men
4. segeik - provide intelligence upon spying on an enemy's territory

Kalenjin livestock(kiagik)

Kalenjin livestock(kiagik)

  1. SHEEP- {kechirek}, 
    1. subendo - female sheep/ewe, 
    2. Mengit -male sheep/Ram,
    3. Araget- barren female sheep,
  2. GOATS - ngororek,
    1. artet - mature female goat/nanny/doe,
    2. kwesta - mature male goat/billy/buck
    3. arwab ngoror- young one of goat/kid
  3. COWS- Tuga
    1.  Eiik/Eito- oxen
    2.  Iwoket -female
    3.  Kirkit - Bull. 
    4. Moita - calf. 
    5. Soonet - barrel Cow.

General terminologies amongst the kalenjins

  1. Embwen -settled area at same altitude
  2. Imbaret ap mosop- household millet plot
  3. Imbaret ap soi- homestead millet or maize plot
  4. Injor- eastern side of room
  5. Kaptich- cattle hut (elder's hut)
  6. kimonjogut- apical roof post
  7. koima - western side of room
  8. kong' asis- the east
  9. kok- men's sitting place outdoors 
  10. kotap mosop- married woman's house
  11. mostinwek- fire / fires
  12. mabwaita- family altar
  13. Mosop- higher, fertile land
  14. sandet -sister's husband
  15. singroina- bachelors' hut
  16. Soin -lower grasslands, open grazing
  17. somet -girls' initiation room
  18. toloch (talach), toloita -support post in house
  19. Waldai -lower land, extensively farmed

Names of persons by body posture

Kalenjin Named people by body posture some of the below are names which are common in kalenjin:

  1.   Kettienya/ koisiom - bow legged,
  2.   kiptesot/Kibilo/Chesilim- short
  3.   Kipkeles- short/dwarf person,
  4.   Sigilai/Tororei - tall,
  5.   Cheseng'eny - irregular and protruding teeth,
  6.   Chebitet - hard body,
  7.   Buigut -thick lips and stammerer,
  8.   Bommet - big headed,
  9.   Chebusit -large ears,
  10.   Chemase -hairy head,
  11.   Chemiron -stammerer,
  12.   Chebelyon/Cheptyong -huge body,
  13.   Sambu - hairy body,
  14.   Tuikong -dark eyes
  15.  Tuimising - very dark complexion

Kalenjin cultural body tattooing techniques

Kalenjin cultural body tattooing techniques:

1. lootetab kelek - Two lower teeth were removed, gap was used to give liquid incase of lockjaw
2. Kaapolobi - face marks cut on forehead and cheeks where grain of sand was placed of wound to raise it.
3. Peleetab soremik - dry sap of tree was mixed with munyeiweek and heated on skin of hand and thighs. (Myths- whoever does not burn soremik when he is married the hyenas will eat him with his wife.)
4. Ndipchoot - Piercing of the upper ears to instill courage for facing pain and to prepare ear for wearing ornaments i.e kipsosoiyat.

 5. Parpareetab iitik - was done by using loinet i.e small arrow for bleeding animals and a sharp knife and kipalbaliat was placed to enlarge the ear

Various Kalenjin marriages

Various Kalenjin marriages:

1. kitunji toloch - occurs when married woman become barren hence she will marry another woman known as, "kapsirwonin" to give birth on her behalf,
2. Kabwatereret - occurs when very young boy and  girl under 10 yrs parents agreed for their marriage i.e booking in advance
3. Museet - occurs when mother arranges wife for  her son who is battle field so that incase of eventuality somebody mainly his brother can assist
4.Katunisitab tororyet - Important ceremony performed late in life to show respect for couple who
had been married for many years
5.Kandiet- invoves inheritance and taking of responsibility by brother to his brother widow

6.Keeturum saandet - ceremony performed as aresult of infidelity of wife where her parent pays a bull as fine.

Kalenjin clan clusters

The kalenjins Clans

There are 165 clans{oratinwek} and 45 sub-clans {ortanyisiek}. 
The 165 clans are grouped into four Bororiosek namely:-
  1. Ngetunyo,
  2.  kebeni,
  3.  kipgaigei and
  4.  kasanek.
Each clan has totem inform of animal which may be shared by several clans.when a typical Kalenjin is asking 4 your clan he normally asks;-
  1.  ii antanya? 
  2. Antanya is the clan of father,
  3. inue ano?-Referring to clan where mother was born from.
  4. Ibo boriet ainon? -Bororiet ano?
  5. Ibo ibin?- which age set?

Kalenjin naming part 2

SALANIKAP BOISYEKAP KIPSIGIS Marindany —Chii nechome kobor ak koyaga tich Korgoren —Chii nechaang Kiyagiik Loboso —Chii neuei Soin akowee...